The scientific advisory board advises the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz on content-related, organisational and strategic developments and objectives in the areas of science-based teaching, research and institutional development.
Chair: Rector Prof. Dr Johannes Reitinger, Dipl.-Päd.; Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz
Coordinator: Mag. Dr Florian Wegscheider; Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz
- Rector Prof. Dr Horst Biedermann; University of Education St. Gallen
- Prof. Dr Dorit Bosse; University of Kassel
- Dr Doris Cihlars, University of Passau
- Prof. Dr. Franz Rauch; University of Klagenfurt
- Prof. Dr. Clemens Seyfried; PHDL, International Academy Berlin
- Prof. Dr. Helena Stockinger, Catholic Private University Linz
- Vice-Rector Mag. Johanna Fischer, LL.B.; Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz
- Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Gabriele Zehetner; Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz
- HS-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alfred Weinberger; Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz