Fundamental educational principles
The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz is committed to a comprehensive and holistic concept of education. It is based on recognition and appreciation of the uniqueness and inviolability of the individual, which cannot be quantified in terms of achievement and performance. It views the process of education – initial, in-service and supplementary training – as discourse and dialogue. The underlying aim is to foster the ability of the individual to shape and give direction to life and to play a role in a society defined and distinguished by a spirit of solidarity.
Scholarship in an international environment
The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz designs and delivers academic courses with particular emphasis on standards of quality in teaching and research. Its programmes focus on self-directed creative and reflective academic work. Cooperation agreements with partner institutions on a European and transcontinental level allow it to be at the forefront of global developments in education.
Practice-oriented approach to teacher training
The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz lays stress on practice relevance and on the interconnectedness of theory and practice in initial and in-service training as well as with regard to supplementary training, whatever the professional area. It aims at continuing professional development with reference to personality, domain-specific competencies and pedagogical challenges. Our educational efforts are guided and informed by the needs of the respective target groups, the college's ultimate raison d'être.
University Culture
Dialogue and mutual respect are characteristic features of life and work at the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz. They underpin a positive culture of teaching and learning as well as sovereign social interaction. The college aims to be an active and dynamic centre of education, interdisciplinarity and cooperation. It endeavours to serve as a meeting place for people from differing social backgrounds, traditions, generations, genders, cultures and world-views.
Church-maintained status
The Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz is maintained by the Catholic Church in Upper Austria and it is committed to the values of a Christian concept of humans and the world. This includes awareness and recognition of the religious dimension of every individual, which can manifest itself in multiple ways. As a Christian educational institution, it fosters social commitment with regard to education for peace, justice, human dignity and preserving God's creation. With regard to pedagogy, the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz places special emphasis on fostering communicative and linguistic competencies and on issues relating to individual identity development as well as art and culture.