TALK in multilingual classrooms
Gierlinger, E.M., Döll, M., & Keplinger, G. (Eds.). (2023). TALK in multilingual classrooms. Teachers’ awareness of language knowledge in secondary education. Münster: Waxmann.
ISBN 978-3-7799-6721-7
This volume presents a variety of concepts, practices, and experiences in the field of content learning through the additional language(s) of learners in a migration society. It contains reflections on the complex interplay between the unifying characteristics of monolingual and multilingual programmes and their often diverging, local, and contextual interpretations and implementations. In addition, it describes how migration pedagogy has become a catalyst for discussing the ideological and power aspects of language learning and how a hegemony-critical attitude needs to become an integral part of classroom language learning and communicating. In this context, the deliberate development of Teachers’ Awareness of Language Knowledge (TALK) through a variety of supportive measures is considered to be of central pedagogical importance. Principles and practical applications of TALK for the classroom are discussed and evaluated.
Kinder und Künstliche Intelligenz
Schachl, H. (2022). Kinder und Künstliche Intelligenz. Sinn-volle Bildung für die Welt von morgen. Linz: Trauner.
ISBN 978-3-99113-388-9
How should we prepare children for the digital challenges? Above all, it is about the skills of learning, problem solving, creativity, resilience, the foundation of values and sense orientation. To put these issues in a broader context, the book describes the journey from Homo sapiens to Robo Sapiens, from evolution to individual development, to explore the possibilities of human capabilities. An overview of the current state of artificial intelligence describes the field that needs to be tackled. And the question is about the education with which children and young people can cope well with the challenges and lead a happy life.
Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege. Professionalisierungsforschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung
Schauer, G., Jesacher-Rößler, L., Kemethofer, D., Reitinger, J., & Weber, C. (Hrsg.). (2022).
Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege. Professionalisierungsforschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung. Münster: Waxmann.
ISBN 978-3-8309-4588-8
Professionalization processes of teachers and pedagogical professionals in initial, further and continuing education contribute to competence development with reference to scientifically based findings (keyword competence orientation). The purpose of this volume is to present initiatives, especially from Austrian educational research. In doing so, the contributors address their research questions to, among others:
- structural conditions in teacher education with special attention to entry and transition into the profession
- teaching and learning concepts in teacher education
- professionalization processes and competence development in different phases of teacher education
- Reflection on current discourses on professionalization
Thus, from conceptual considerations of initial, in-service and continuing teacher education to professionalization strategies and evaluation aspects, various facets of teacher education are presented and discussed.
Selected book chapter:
Mayr, J., Boxhofer, E., Kramer, G., Pflanzl, B. & Nausner, E. (2022). TEDCA – Teachers´ Education, Development and Career in Austria Genese, Design und exemplarische Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Berufsbiografie von Lehrkräften. In G. Schauer et al. (Hrsg.), Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege. Professionalisierungsforschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung (pp. 37–53). Münster: Waxmann.
Von «schöner Vielfalt» zu prekärer Heterogenität
Bildungsprozesse in pluraler Gesellschaft
Brandstetter, B., Gmainer-Pranzl, F. & Greiner, U. (2021). Von «schöner Vielfalt» zu prekärer Heterogenität. Bildungsprozesse in pluraler Gesellschaft. Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang.
ISBN 9783631847886 · DOI 10.3726/b18330
This anthology of contributions to the interdisciplinary conference "From 'beautiful diversity' to precarious heterogeneity" (University of Salzburg, 2017) asks how educational processes are possible in a plural society. The crucial challenge is not a "beautiful diversity" but a precarious heterogeneity that questions cohesion and understanding in contemporary society. A central result of this interdisciplinary debate is the recognition of heterogeneity as an opportunity and to enable educational processes in the context of (inter)cultural and social tensions. Education means to face different, even contradictory experiences and life contexts and from there to develop a new quality of knowledge, critical ability and learning competence.
Pädagogischer Takt in der Elementarpädagogik
Fageth, B. (2021). Pädagogischer Takt in der Elementarpädagogik. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
ISBN 978-3-7799-6721-7
Problem-historical Reconstruction and Empirical Concretization
This study undertakes a theoretically grounded and empirically expanded perspective on the pedagogical tact in the field of elementary education.The discussion about an academization of (elementary) educational professional fields and consequently the question of a coherent interconnection of theory and practice is inseparably connected with the - still iridescent - concept of the pedagogical tact. On the way of a systematic historical reconstruction of the term, the author shows that already Aristotle and Kant marked this problematic determination of the relationship with the concepts of prudence and power of judgment and how professionalism and ethics unite in pedagogical tact. Subsequently, the (educational) philosophical insights serve to approach the pedagogical tact also empirically via a triangulation of case vignettes and video-based interviews.
Bildungswissenschaften in der Lehrer*innenbildung
Bd. 3 der Schriftenreihe der PHDL
Hollick, D., Vogl, U. & Jaramaz, A. (Hrsg.). (2021). Bildungswissenschaften in der Lehrer*innenbildung. Impulse. Ideen. Konzepte. Linz: Trauner.
ISBN 978-3-99113-329-2
How does theory get into practice? Which perspectives on the relationship between theory and practice are helpful and necessary? What bridges should be sought in order to connect the one with the other? This volume explores the question of the importance of the educational science component in teacher education. In the contributions, teachers at teacher training colleges illuminate the topic from different perspectives. Some of the articles focus on the interaction of theory and practice, while others deal with concrete examples from teaching practice. What all texts have in common is the effort to constructively relate theory and practice to each other in order to support the professionalization of (prospective) educators.
Kulturen, Religionen und Identitäten aushandeln
Elementarpädagogik zwischen Homogenisierung und Pluralisierung
Brandstetter, B. (2020). Kulturen, Religionen und Identitäten aushandeln. Elementarpädagogik zwischen Homogenisierung und Pluralisierung. Münster: Waxmann.
ISBN 978-3-8309-9059-8
As a place of social education, the kindergarten is a contact zone for people with different religious and cultural backgrounds. Elementary educators in particular are challenged by common longings for homogenization and claims of pluralization. They should treat all children equally and support each child in his or her individual identity formation. The study addresses this tension by examining qualitatively conducted interviews by means of a postcolonially informed discourse analysis with regard to power relations, attributions and subjectification processes. Of particular interest are those places where hegemonic notions of normality are irritated and discursive spaces of negotiation emerge. Such in-between spaces, which arise in the oscillation between homogenization and pluralization, hold a potential for innovation for current, migration-related questions, with which intercultural theology is also confronted.
Fokus Grundschule (Bd. 1): Forschungsperspektiven und Entwicklungslinien
Holzinger, A., Kopp-Sixt, S., Luttenberger, S., & Wohlhart, D. (Hrsg.). (2019). Fokus Grundschule. Band 1. Forschungsperspektiven und Entwicklungslinien. Münster: Waxmann.
ISBN 978-3-8309-9059-8
As the first school, elementary school shapes the image of school education and lays the foundation for lifelong learning. As a common school for all children, it should lay the personal, social and professional foundation for further education, contribute to the understanding of areas of diversity and contribute to solidarity between groups in society. In addition to ensuring basic competencies in all subject areas, the tasks also include inclusive education in the sense of a broad understanding of inclusion.
This conference volume of the Graz Elementary School Congress 2018 is dedicated to current developments in elementary school research. The contributions can be assigned to the areas of personality development, subject-specific education, and professionalization.
Contribution by Martina Müller:
Müller, M. (2019). Ist es egal, ob ich es kann? Fachspezifische Eigenkompetenzen und Professionsbewusstsein angehender Lehrer/innen. In A. Holzinger, S. Kopp-Sixt, S. Luttenberger, & D. Wohlhart (Hrsg.), Fokus Grundschule 1. Forschungsperspektiven und Entwicklungslinien (S. 271 - 280). Münster: Waxmann.
Dimensionen des sprachlichen Raums: Variation – Mehrsprachigkeit – Konzeptualisierung
Bülow, L., Fischer, A. K., & Herbert, K. (Hrsg.). (2019). Dimensionen des sprachlichen Raums: Variation – Mehrsprachigkeit – Konzeptualisierung . Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang.
ISBN 978-3-631-78104-3
The volume focuses on the use and structure of the German language in Austria. The aim of the anthology is also to compare the linguistic conditions in Austria with those in other German-speaking countries. Therefore, 20 contributions present current research results from the research areas of variation, contact, and perception.
Contributions in which Gudrun Kasberger is first or co-author:
Werte und Bildung
Weinberger, A., Boxhofer, E., Kramer, M., & Seyfried, C. (Hrsg.) (2019). Werte und Bildung. Wertehaltungen im Kontext tertiärer Bildungseinrichtungen unter kirchlicher Trägerschaft. Linz, Austria: Trauner.
ISBN 978-3-99062-491-3
Werte und Bildung
"Values and Education" illuminates the concept of "values" in a variety of ways, seeking not only to do justice to descriptions of moral levels and their social perspective, but also to highlight the importance of manifestations of values. The contributions in this book span from an essayistic to a hermeneutically oriented to an empirical-analytical methodological approach. Each approach contributes to looking at the topic from different angles, resulting in a comprehensive overall view.
Professionals’ Ethos and Education for Responsibility
Weinberger, A., Biedermann, H., Patry, J.-L., & Weyringer, S. (Eds.). (2018). Professionals’ ethos and education for responsibility. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill | Sense.
ISBN 978-90-04-36732-6
Professionals' Ethos and Education for Responsibility
In Professionals’ Ethos and Education for Responsibility, Alfred Weinberger, Horst Biedermann, Jean-Luc Patry and Sieglinde Weyringer offer insights into different concepts and applications of professionals’ ethos focusing on teachers’ ethos. Ethos refers to the responsibility of a professional, and it is considered a key element of a professional’s work. The first time mentioned in ancient Greece denoting character and habit, the word ethos nowadays has several definitions and meanings. This book intends to explore the variety of meanings, with authors in this volume drawing from established concepts of ethos and empirical research to push the field forward.
Selected book chapters:
Weinberger, A., Biedermann, H., Patry, J., & Weyringer, S. (2018). Professionals' ethos. In Professionals’ ethos and education for responsibility (S. 1–9). Leiden, Niederlande: Brill | Sense. doi:
Reitinger, J. (2018). Democracy, responsibility, and inquiry in education. In Professionals’ ethos and education for responsibility (S. 75–87). Leiden, Niederlande: Brill | Sense. doi:
Weinberger, A. (2018). Education for professional ethos through Vake (Value and Knowledge education) in teacher education. In Professionals’ ethos and education for responsibility (S. 107–125). Leiden, Niederlande: Brill | Sense. doi:
Subjektive Theorien von Lehrkräften zum Unterrichtsprinzip Sexualerziehung im Kontext von Heterogenität
Gunda Jungwirth
Hamburg, 2017, 290 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8300-9452-4
Educators are confronted with (child) sexuality in their professional field of activity in different ways: on the one hand, from the legal mandate "teaching principle of sexual education", on the other hand, through everyday pedagogical practice.
This publication deals with sexuality, child sexuality and sexuality in an educational context as well as the values and norms that shape sexual education. It refers to both historical and diversity aspects and highlights the educational mandate that society assigns to the institution of school in the area of sexuality education. The specific challenges in the school context and the required competencies are explored as well as the issue of sexual abuse.
The study offers insight into how teachers think about the teaching principle of sexual education, how they experience and reflect on their own actions in their function as classroom teachers in the context of school-based "sexual education". Qualitative interviews will be used to show to what extent the interviewees feel responsible for sexuality education, where they experience difficulties and which measures would be subjectively significant for them in order to do justice to the teaching principle of sexuality education in the best possible way. Here, the role that the "subjective theories" of the teachers as well as the individual (professional) biographies play for the practices of action becomes clear.
It is shown that "sexual education" is a life issue, especially for those who are pedagogically active.
Based on the gained knowledge, educational contents for a training and further education of pedagogues are developed, which do justice to a "Sexual Education", whose target perspective is to be emancipatory and sensitive to differences.
Supervision im pädagogischen Kontext
F. David Ketter & Sabine Benczak (Hrsg.)
Shaker, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8440-4878-0
Supervision im pädagogischen Kontext
The two master theses with the titles "On the track of happiness - about conditions for success in supervision with teachers" and "The 'secret' of happy teachers (and their school children!?)" can be assigned to the pedagogical context and in a first step span the arc from the topic of happiness to the person in the organization school. A continuation of these two topics takes place through the presentation of the work situation of teachers in the Austrian school system, which moves in the field of tension between stress and striving for happiness in several levels. In addition to the necessity and the demand for supervision offers, the crucial question arises, what contribution can supervision make to sustainably improve the work situation of teachers?
Supervision and school are at the beginning of a common self-understanding. Due to this fact, it seems particularly valuable to sharpen the view on how supervision works in the school context and which effects can be described. An empirical investigation, guided by criteria of qualitative social research, shows and discusses possible answers. The critical examination ends with further thoughts on the way to the happy couple "supervision and school".
Lernen erfolgreich gestalten
Mag. Dr. Rudolf Beer, Mag. Dr. Isabella Benischek, Dr. Angela Forstner-Ebhart, Univ. Doz. Mag. Dr. Herbert Schwetz
324 Seiten, A4, s/w, broschiert
ISBN 978-3-7098-1000-2
Bestellnummer: G-810-002
Verlag: BVL - Bildungsverlag Lemberger
€ 19.80
Arranging learning successfully - a specialized book series of pedagogy for competence-oriented teaching. A workbook for studying and teaching with practical tips and background information!
Designed by educators for study and teaching of pedagogical and didactical disciplines at university and college. For teachers of all types of schools who want to design their lessons in a competence-oriented and learning-effective way. By teaching professionals - for teaching professionals!
The demands on teaching are increasing - those who teach today are faced with many questions: How can competence-oriented teaching be designed to be effective for learning? What criteria must competency-based performance assessment meet? How can successful classroom management be achieved? This book provides numerous answers to these questions. The contributions cover a wealth of topics that support innovative and successful teaching. Models and facts are scientifically substantiated and prepared for practical use. The authors have many years of teaching experience and are specialists in their fields.
Informative articles, numerous illustrations and literature sources, supporting materials for practice, and numerous work assignments make the book ready for immediate use in teaching and self-study. Abstracts at the beginning provide a brief overview, and key terms help to quickly classify the subject matter.
Chapter 9 is a contribution by Dr. Beatrix Hauer:
Towards inquiry learning in mathematics education.
Theory of Inquiry Learning Arrangements: Research, Reflection, and Implementation
Johannes Reitinger, Christina Haberfellner, Eric Brewster, Martin Kramer (Eds.)
Humans come equipped with a curious and inquiring mind that strives toward free thinking and self-determination. Building on this paradigm and acknowledging its potential for human learning, the present volume points out ways of supporting learning endeavors in a professional, reflective, and conducive manner.
The authors regard the pedagogical construct of self-determined Inquiry Learning as a promising approach. The Theory of Inquiry Learning Arrangements (TILA) concretizes this approach according to the principles of critical multiplism. The theory and its corresponding concepts AuRELIA (Authentic Reflective Exploratory Learning and Interaction Arrangements) and CrEEd (Criteria-based Explorations in Education) are presented in detail, empirically investigated, and underpinned with practical examples. In the current edited volume, self-determined Inquiry Learning is further substantiated, and TILA is presented to the international community of educational scientists and practitioners.
ISBN: 978-3-7376-0144-3 (print) | 978-3-7376-0145-0 (e-book)
2016, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel, Germany
Available at bookstores and at
The gift of the gab
Games and Activities for the EFL Classroom.
Autor: Markus Wiesinger (2016)
The purpose of this book is to supplement regular EFL- or L2 classes for young and adult learners alike and serve as an addition to coursebooks in order to breathe some life into them and spice them up. It does not replace coursebooks, however, or any long-term or short-term planning on the teacher’s part. The emphasis is on interaction and communication, trying to boost the learners’ confidence and break the ice so as to make them confident users of L2. Above all, it provides learners with a natural incentive to speak and gives them ample leeway to practise and experiment with the target language. The title of the book, The Gift of the Gab, pretty much sums it up and also happens to be the name of one of the activities featured in the book.
Lesen, Verstehen und Lösen von Mathematikaufgaben
Benischek, I., Beer, R., Forstner-Ebhart, A., Schwetz, H. (Eds.)
Includes contributions by Hauer, B.(2016). Finding questions in mathematics teaching according to the AuRELIA concept and Boxhofer, E. (2016).From explanatory sketches to "concept mapping".
The purpose of this anthology is to make clear the parts that language plays in reading, understanding, and solving tasks in mathematics classrooms. A new reading model has been developed: (1) Only reading and understanding the meaning of mathematical terms (e.g., at least, at most, etc.) makes solving tasks possible. (2) Subsequently, the understanding of specific mathematical sentences is required. (3) Finally, the understanding of the entire mathematics task as a whole is necessary. (4) Decoding the mathematical central idea (e.g. indirect proportionality) is absolutely necessary for the solution.
The newly developed Mathematics Specific Reading Test (MLT) for grades 3 to 5 are provided by Schwetz, Linhofer & Benischek for practical use with reference data for grade-specific diagnosis.
Pädagogisch praktische Studien
Boxhofer, E., Donner-Sparlinek, A., Karner, C. and Zehetner, G. (eds.).
A Handbook for Pedagogical Practical Studies Primary Level (2016).
In this handbook for Pedagogical Practical Studies (Primary Level) you will find basic organizational information as well as specifically thematized content and requirements.
The networked acquisition of competencies, as described in the curricular principles, demands corresponding learning situations that manifest themselves in particular in the dissemination of theoretical knowledge into pedagogical-practical implementation.
The pedagogical-practical studies are guarantors for the provision of these learning situations in which students can develop the corresponding competencies. The interplay of pre-actional, actional and post-actional settings is the focus of all pedagogical challenges.
All implementation mechanisms take into account participatory action aspects in the practice teams, are embedded in a reflective culture and emphasize dialogue with regard to the meaningfulness and manageability of the competence descriptions.
Sammelband: Heterogenität in pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern
Perspectives. Findings. Conceptual approaches.
Danièle Hollick, Marianne Neißl, Martin Kramer, Johannes Reitinger (Eds.).
In the last decade, heterogeneity has been launched as one of the central keywords in educational discourse to refer to differences in learning groups. However, an unreflected and arbitrary application of the term is perceived as problematic, as well as the dichotomous view, deficit vs. idealizing, of heterogeneity observable in the fields of practice.
The inflationary use of the term heterogeneity will be taken as an occasion to illuminate and discuss it contextually against the background of various pedagogical fields of practice, including knowledge building, research-based learning, values in teacher education, and migration. In doing so, insights into perspectives, empirical findings and conceptual approaches will be given, with which a further connection to an inclusive educational practice is to be stimulated.
How Hollywood movies organize the learning of learning.
Author: Thomas Walden
To what extent can youth cultural media worlds be made fruitful as an interface for educational processes? Triple A blockbuster films are commonly characterized as mundane entertainment cinema that serves the sole purpose of pouring immense profits into the pockets of its producers at the box office and through merchandising items. That this is the case is beyond question. But is that really all that can be said about these films?
"Hollywood Pedagogy" sets itself the task of taking a closer look at these films. Why do these films succeed time and again in drawing large numbers of people to theaters? Is the success of these films really based solely on sophisticated high-budget marketing concepts? Why then do some films fail grandly that also have corresponding budgets and marketing concepts?
This book proposes the thesis that the success lies in the narration and the identification characters of these films. The heroes of these films are learners and the narrative of the film can be read as a metadidactics of teaching-learning processes. This metadidactic guides the viewers through the films in such a way that they become learners themselves in the process and, beyond this, develop at least inklings of what learning to learn means and how it works.
Walden, T. (2015). Hollywoodpädagogik. Wie Blockbusterfilme das Lernen des Lernens organisieren. München: kopaed
Achtsamkeit im Mentoringprozess
Author: Renate Holzinger (2014)
Mindfulness is increasingly playing an important role in lifestyle, medical contexts, and psychotherapy. Now its importance is also being recognized in the educational setting. Where pedagogical relationship building is essential, such as in the context of schooling, education, and mentoring, lived mindfulness can take these relationship processes into a new dimension of quality for all involved. In this book dimensions on mindfulness are shown. Experiential levels are made aware on which mindfulness can be practiced in everyday life and in pedagogical relationships. Finally, it illustrates the potential of mindfulness in the context of pedagogy and mentoring.
Multilingualität in der Gestaltung schulischer Praxis - Potentiale eines innovativen Lehr-Lernarrangements
Authors: Danièle Hollick & Angela Gastager (2014)
In their empirical contribution, Danièle Hollick and Angela Gastager demonstrate that an appreciative approach to multilingualism is closely linked to teacher personality as well as blocked by structural and institutional homogenization mechanisms in the school system. In the context of a case study, potentials of multilingualism for students are shown through the design of innovative teaching-learning settings.
Entwicklung didaktischer Kompetenzen durch forschendes Lernen: Der Einsatz des AuRELIA-Konzepts in der Lehrer/-innenbildung
Author: Beatrix Hauer (2014).
Hauer, B. (2014). Developing didactic competencies through inquiry-based learning. The use of the AuRELIA concept in teacher education. Aachen: Shaker.
Beatrix Hauer's monograph (doctoral dissertation) published by Shaker-Verlag deals with the use of a learning arrangement for self-determined research-based learning developed by Johannes Reitinger (2011). For this purpose, first the teacher self-efficacy expectation (Deci & Ryan 2004), the concept of competence in the context of school and possibilities of inquiry learning (Messner 2009; Reitinger 2013) in mathematics education, are discussed in more detail. Following this, the learning arrangement presented under the acronym AuRELIA (Authentic Reflective Exploratory Learning and Interaction Arrangement) will be explained in more detail.
In the first part of the research report, the effectiveness of the learning arrangement presented and tested in mathematics subject didactics lessons is shown with regard to teacher self-efficacy expectation, specific self-efficacy expectation for the implementation of self-determined exploratory learning arrangements, acceptance, readiness for implementation, and the development of didactic competencies with regard to the fulfillment of the educational and teaching tasks of the mathematics curriculum. The detailed results of the quantitative research on five established hypotheses and two research questions are presented in the first part of the empirical research.
In the second part of the empirical research, it is shown through quantitative and qualitative investigations that the five hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of the AuRELIA concept could be confirmed. In addition, it will be shown which didactic competencies students have developed through the implementation of a self-determined research-based learning arrangement in mathematics classes during the school practical studies.
- Deci, E.L. & Ryan, R.M. (2004). Handbook of Self-Determination Research. Rochester, pp. 3–36.
- Messner, R. (Hrsg.) Schule forscht. Ansätze und Methoden zum forschenden Lernern. Hamburg: Körber.
- Reitinger J. (2011). Das AuRELIA-Konzept. Interessensförderung durch methodisch – strukturierte Öffnung des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts. In: Füchter, A. & Moegling, K. (Hrsg.) Diagnostik und Förderung. Beispiel aus der Unterrichtspraxis. (p. 107 – 120). Kassel: Prolog.
- Reitinger, J. (2013). Forschendes Lernen. Theorie, Evaluation und Praxis in naturwissenschaftlichen Lernarrangements. Kassel: Prolog.
Reflexion im pädagogischen Kontext
Editor: Alfred Weinberger (2013)
The book "Reflexion im pädagogischen Kontext" (Reflection in the Pedagogical Context) by the Institute for Research and Development at the PH Linz attempts to answer the question of the context in which reflection and the ability to reflect can play a role in teacher education on both a theoretical and empirical basis.
The volume is edited by Alfred Weinberger, who has been a research associate at the Institute for Research and Development at the University of Teacher Education Linz since 2008. Contributors include Johannes Reitinger, director of the institute; Clemens Seyfried, former director; Alfred Weinberger; Daniele Hollick; and Verena Braunstein. They all approach the central topic of reflection from different points of view and with different methods. Self-developed models and procedures, such as the learning model VaKE or the admission procedure for university applicants DInE are presented, reflective competence is analyzed with the help of an EEG, criteria of research-based learning are established, informal learning contexts in the context of research-based learning arrangements as well as in the context of migration work are examined, and the concept of reflection is defined and located in a theoretically based competence model.
The volume "Reflexion im pädagogischen Kontext" is just one of many publications that appear annually - clear evidence of the Institute's intensive research activities. This shows that the prejudice that there is hardly any research at teacher training colleges, but only teaching, is now outdated.
(Short review: Iris Wahlmüller)
Informelles Lernen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern im Kontext Schule und Migration
An exploratory study of teachers' subjective theories
Danièle Hollick (2013)
In the scientific literature and on the level of educational policy, pedagogical action is discussed in the context of sociocultural and migration-related heterogeneity of school actors. It is striking that, on the one hand, expectations of competent action in the context of migration work in schools are linked to the biographical experiences of teachers with a migration background and, on the other hand, pedagogical action in intercultural settings is linked to the personal commitment of individual teachers. Against this background, it can be assumed that competencies in the context of school and migration are acquired and developed to a considerable extent in the informal sphere. However, this potential remains largely unconsidered in the context of teacher education and in the school workplace. This study offers insights into the subjective theories of teachers with and without a migration background about pedagogical competence development in the context of migration-related and sociocultural heterogeneity. In view of the current development of school, among other things, towards teamwork of teachers, a significant potential of pedagogical competence development, among other things, in the workplace school can be identified for informal learning.
Forschendes Lernen
Reitinger, J. (2013)
Theory, Evaluation and Practice.
With regard to such a perspective, the pedagogical construct of self-determined research-based learning seems to the author to be a promising approach. Based on his theory of research-based learning arrangements, he concretizes this approach according to the principles of action field orientation and evidence-based learning. The transfer into practice takes place via personalized concepts of research-based learning, which are presented in detail in this volume. In a separate chapter, results of the concept evaluation additionally show different dimensions of the effectiveness of these concepts. A number of examples - both from secondary science teaching and teacher education - are used to illustrate how self-determination, reflection, and authentic exploration can enrich teaching.
The concept of self-determination-oriented inquiry learning is now theoretically, empirically, and practically validated with this presented monograph and is available for transfer to the various school pedagogical disciplines as well as interdisciplinary learning.
E-Portfolios als Instrument zur Professionalisierung in der Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenausbildung
Klampfer, A. (2013)
E-portfolios have received a great deal of attention in the current pedagogical discussion in recent years and can be described as one of the major trends. With the Bologna-compliant revision of curricula at colleges and universities and the orientation of studies towards competencies (outcome rather than input orientation) or learner-centeredness, more and more e-portfolios have found their way into the curricula of a wide variety of education and training studies. This book describes work with e-portfolios in teacher education in higher education with the aim of assessing motivational and technological factors of students' use of e-portfolios and further developing e-portfolios as both a tool and a method in educator education. Based on a quantitative hypothesis-based study, answers to the following questions are provided: - How is e-portfolio work assessed - in terms of attitude, usefulness, relevance, technical operation, motivation and acceptance, among others - by students? - What does the acceptance of e-portfolio work or the motivation for e-portfolio work depend on? - Are there differences if students receive feedback for their e-portfolio work or their personal development only at the end of a semester or if there is an ongoing evaluation of the contributions?