


Insgesamt 2 Ergebnisse


L054 - Open mouth therapy · Working with music and children

Do you teach children? Do they love to have their mouths open in class?
If the answer to both questions is yes, then this is for you!
Many teachers wish to do musical activities with their class but often the children need serious encouragement to sing. Singing is not only fun but also a great way to learn new words and phrases in English.
In this workshop I want to give you an example of how I get kids to open their mouths, take part and enjoy what they are singing. They are usually masters at this anyway, they just need correct guidance. Please bring your voice and don’t be shy to join in!

Ref.: Andrew Hogg
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 8 €
Ort: 4020 Linz, PH der Diözese Linz, AS01 - Seminarraum 01 (Fortbildung)

Mo. 28.1.2019
14:00 h bis 17:30 h
Zielgruppe: VS

Info zur Anmeldung



L063 - The Gift of the Gab · Games and Activities for the EFL classroom

In this workshop you will get to know some gripping games and activities that serve as an addition to coursebooks in order to breathe some life into them and spice them up.
The emphasis is on interaction and communication, trying to boost the learners' confidence and break the ice, so as to make them confident users of English.
Above all, the activities will provide students with a natural incentive to speak and give them ample leeway to practise and experiment with the target language.
The title of Markus Wiesinger's recently published book - THE GIFT OF THE GAB pretty much sums it up.

Ref.: Markus Wiesinger
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 8 €
Ort: 4020 Linz, PH der Diözese Linz, AS01 - Seminarraum 01 (Fortbildung)

Mi. 27.2.2019
14:00 h bis 17:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, MS, VS

Info zur Anmeldung
