


Insgesamt 2 Ergebnisse


L034 - No Child left Behind in the English Classroom · Workshop for Mixed Ablility Classes

One of the biggest challenges in English classes is teaching mixed ability levels within one class. This seminar attempts to give insight into the challenges, with a practical approach of how one can teach the same material at different levels.
The seminar is divided into two parts: The first will be a practical input with learning by doing. The participants will then go back to school to try out the ideas covered. The second part will be a practical workshop, looking at the outcome, together with further support and ideas on how the challenges can be mastered in the English classroom.

Ref.: Philippa Rechberger
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 8 €
Ort: 4020 Linz, PH der Diözese Linz, Seminarraum B311

Do. 14.11.2019
14:00 h bis 18:00 h
Do. 16.1.2020
14:00 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS

Info zur Anmeldung



L903 - Getting Back on Track · Motivating tricks and brush up techniques for the new school year

The main emphasis will be on our own speaking abilities. There will be sufficient input of ideas and speaking activities, which can also be done in the class at different levels. We will indulge in small talk on various topics, express personal opinion on current topics, exchange practical tasks used in today's English classroom and enjoy outdoor and indoor activities to motivate pupils to talk. Learning by Doing is our motto, and it will be shown how very little preparation is required: minimum input, maximum output!

Ref.: Philippa Rechberger
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 16 €
Ort: 4582 Spital am Pyhrn, JUFA Seminarhotel Pyhrn-Priel

Do. 27.8.2020,  9:00 h
bis Fr. 28.8.2020,  18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, KIGA, PTS

Info zur Anmeldung
