
L025 - Digital Tools to bring the 4 Cs into your EFL classroom · Tech-free and inspiring internet resources
Creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration – the 4 Cs – are envisioned as key competencies for nowadays’ learners.
This workshop aims at drawing inspiration to participants how to incorporate the 4 Cs into EFL activities, especially through the use of appropriate digital tools and so to guide your students in the development of their creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaborative skills.
Ref.: Thomas Schöftner
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Mi. 8.11.2023
17:00 h bis 19:15 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, MS
Info zur Anmeldung

L092 - Virtual Tea Time · Teachers’ think tank – updates on current affairs and esl tools
This online series of 5 sessios provides a virutal room for teachers to speak English, discuss research on esl teaching, exchange experiences, challenges, tips and tricks for the classroom. There is always a ’topic of interest’ and material to try out in class. Occasional ’surprise guests’ add an extra kick to the sessions. Participants are also welcome to join only one or two of the meetings. Flexible participation is fine, too, even dates might be adapted. If you like speaking English, join us.
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Di. 28.11.2023
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Mi. 20.12.2023
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Mo. 15.1.2024
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Do. 11.4.2024
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Mi. 5.6.2024
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: VS, PTS, ASO, BS, LWS, AHS, BMHS, MS, BAfEP
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L065 - NILE meets PHDL: Drama for Language Teaching: Warm Ups · Drama Games for livening up language sessions
David Farmer will share five favourite drama games from his books and website. These can be used in the classroom to bring more fun into the learning experience as five-minute breaks, or integrated into language teaching and curriculum subjects.
Ref.: David Farmer
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 14.12.2023
16:30 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, MS, BMHS, BS, VS, PTS
Info zur Anmeldung

L100 - Digital Storytelling · Alle haben eine Geschichte zu erzählen
Digitales Storytelling (DS) ist eine Methode, bei der ein Aspekt aus dem eigenen Leben herausgegriffen, dieser auf sprachlicher und medialer Ebene aufbereitet und als persönliche Geschichte erzählt wird. DS trägt zur Förderung sprachlicher, digitaler, sozialer und interkultureller Kompetenzen bei und kann in der Unterstufe und Oberstufe eingesetzt werden. Es werden ein fertiges Unterrichtskonzept und Beispiel-Storys vorgestellt. Teilnehmer:innen werden dabei unterstützt, während des Seminars eine erste eigene digitale Story am Smartphone, Tablet oder Laptop zu erstellen.
Ref.: Andreas Schuch
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Mo. 4.3.2024
15:00 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, MS, BS, PTS
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L112 - NILE meets PHDL: Motivating Learners to Speak · Activities to promote oral fluency and accuracy
In this active session, we will discuss what we can do to encourage learners to speak in English in the classroom. This will include providing learners with the tools to use classroom language effectively, to share ideas with each other, to give presentations and to take part in communicative activities. Participants will try out some activities during the session and analyse how they might be used in their own context.
Ref.: Carole Robinson
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 14.3.2024
16:30 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, MS, BMHS, BS
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L906 - Getting Back on Track · Motivating tricks and brush up techniques for the new school year
This seminar supports teachers before the start of the new school year, providing the opportunity to practise one’s own English and to try out some new and innovative ideas for the use in the classroom – minimum input and maximum output! A detailed script will be provided, together with digital notes for later use.
Ref.: Philippa Rechberger
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 16 €
Ort: 4553 Schlierbach, Seminarhotel SPES
Mi. 4.9.2024
9:00 h bis 21:00 h
Do. 5.9.2024
8:30 h bis 12:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, MS, BMHS, BS
Info zur Anmeldung