
L024 - Inspiring internet tools to engage your EFL learners · Using digital media profitably instead of optimizing "old pedagogies"
In this practical workshop hands-on toolkits and inspiring internet tools for practitioners who would like to explore the basics of internet-based language teaching will be the focus of attention. Simple but effective tools and tricks for the digital EFL lesson will be presented in order to make the internet as ”tech-free” and pedagogic as possible.
Ref.: Thomas Schöftner
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Mi. 9.11.2022
17:00 h bis 19:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, LWS, MS, PTS, BAfEP
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L033 - NILE meets PHDL: Teaching Chunks and Collocations · The what, the why and the how
One of the recent buzzwords in English Language Teaching, especially vocabulary teaching, is chunks. In this practical session, we will explore what we mean by both chunks and collocations, why we should teach them and how to find examples. You will also learn about and try out some activities to explore and practise them with your secondary learners.
Ref.: Susi Pearson
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 17.11.2022
16:30 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP
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L038 - Managing the English Classroom · Effective ways to organise and instruct your classes
This seminar will show you how important it is to use English as the classroom language in your English lessons. It also aims to support you in giving instructions in a simplified way, so that all your pupils can understand you. Many innovative ideas will be introduced (and tried out by the seminar participants) in order to practise and consolidate the ideas. A list of typical classroom phrases will be provided as well.
Ref.: Philippa Rechberger
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 8 €
Ort: 4020 Linz, PH der Diözese Linz, Seminarraum D800
Mi. 23.11.2022
14:00 h bis 17:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP, VS
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L046 - Narrative Didactics - Warum Literatur im (Sprach-)Unterricht? · + Workshop: Digitales Storytelling
Diese Fortbildung bildet den Auftakt zur Reihe „Narrative Didactics“ und gibt Denkimpulse zu Grundsatzfragen wie: Welche Funktionen erfüllen Literatur und Narrative innerhalb und außerhalb des (Sprach-)Unterrichts? Was ist Critical Narrative Analysis? Welche Verknüpfungen gibt es zu anderen Unterrichtsgegenständen? Im anschließenden Workshop wird die Methode des digitalen Storytellings zur Förderung sprachlicher, digitaler und interkultureller Kompetenzen vorgestellt und direkt erprobt.
Ref.: Roberta Maierhofer, Andreas Schuch
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 16 €
Ort: 4020 Linz, PH der Diözese Linz, Seminarraum D800
Mi. 30.11.2022
9:00 h bis 16:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP, LWS
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L050 - Narrative Didactics - Literarische Texte kreativ bearbeiten · mit Smartphone und Tablet
Dieses Seminar stellt einen Ansatz und Beispiele vor, wie die App TikTok / wie mit Smartphones und Tablets Jugendliteratur und literarische Texte auf kritische und kreative Weise bearbeitet werden können. Mithilfe des digitalen Toolkits des Erasmus+ Projekts „DigLit – Lit Up Your Phone“ erstellen Teilnehmer:gen:innen ein eigenes Video und lernen so gleich den Umgang mit TikTok bzw. den notwendigen Apps kennen.
Ref.: Andreas Schuch
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Mo. 5.12.2022
15:00 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, LWS, MS, BAfEP
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L053 - Virtual Tea Time · Teachers’ think tank – updates on current affairs and esl tools
This online series provides a virutal room for teachers to speak English, discuss research on esl teaching, exchange experiences, challenges, tips and tricks for the classroom. There is always a ’topic of interest’ and material to try out in class. Occasional ’surprise guests’ add an extra kick to the sessions. Participants are also welcome to join only one or two of the meetings. Flexible participation is fine, too, and new discussion of dates within the group possible. If you like speaking English, join us.
Ref.: Christine Mitterweissacher
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Di. 6.12.2022
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Mi. 25.1.2023
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Do. 23.3.2023
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Di. 18.4.2023
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Mo. 22.5.2023
16:30 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BAfEP, BMHS, BS, LWS, MS, PTS, ASO, VS
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W014 - English lessons with digital media
Would you like to learn more about how you can use different online tools in your classroom? Would you like to find out how other teachers use these tools and exchange experiences? And would you also like to do all this quickly, without lengthy technical explanations and with many practical examples? Then this seminar is just right for you!
Ref.: Thomas Schöftner
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Mi. 7.12.2022
18:00 h bis 19:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, MS
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L056 - NILE meets PHDL: Spelling Myths and Enchantments
Everybody seems to have something to say about English spelling… or the teaching of it. But how much of that talk is really true? And how much of it provides teachers with practical solutions to the problems of students who struggle with spelling but cannot pass their exams without it? Not much, unfortunately! In this seminar we will explore some common myths about our spelling and how we can really help learners improve. We will look at some multi-sensory activities that you can use with learners of any age.
Ref.: Johanna Stirling
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 15.12.2022
16:30 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP
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L059 - NILE meets PHDL: Working with Large Classes (primary and secondary) · How can we make our large classes work best for us and for all our learners?
In this session, we will think about the benefits as well as the problems which can arise when we have large, often multilevel, secondary classes. We will look at practical ways to address these problems and to profit from the benefits, so that our large classes can become highly productive learning environments, where every learner has a voice and a valuable place in the class.
Ref.: Kate Gregson
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 12.1.2023
16:30 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP
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L065 - Digital Assessment Tools
The pandemic outbreak and emergency remote teaching have highlighted the growing need for teachers to be able to draw on both conventional and digital teaching methods. It is the aim of this seminar to provide an overview of different approaches to online assessment (receptive as well as productive skills) and encourage participants to get some hands-on experience. We invite all interested teachers who would like to expand their digital assessment toolbox.
Ref.: Kathrin Eberharter
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 19.1.2023
16:00 h bis 19:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BAfEP, BMHS, MS
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L073 - Good texts require adequate prompts · Designing writing tasks for tests in lower grade
Assessing students’ written performances can sometimes be challenging. However, adequate tasks can make text production as well as assessment more successful.
This course looks at different text types students are required to produce, categories being assessed, and, most importantly, the creation of meaningful tasks which enable your students to show their level of English, giving them the opportunity to make use of a (wide) variety of structures and vocabulary. Sample prompts will be presented and analysed.
Ref.: Barbara Rafetseder
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Mo. 30.1.2023
15:00 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, MS
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L080 - Schreiben im Fremdsprachenunterricht: · Follow-up English
Follow-Up webinar: Show and tell, applications in class, feedback techniques, writing cues, further ideas and materials, exchange of experiences and materials, discussion of 'current affairs'. The session aims at supporting English teachers' experiences teaching 'writing' in the esl classroom.
Ref.: Christine Mitterweissacher
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 9.2.2023
15:00 h bis 17:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BAfEP, BMHS, LWS, MS
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L087 - Narrative Didactics - Was sind Narrative (nicht)? · Einführung in grundlegende narratologische Konzepte
Geschichten und Narrative bergen ein enormes Potential für den interkulturellen, kommunikativen und authentischen Sprachenunterricht, das heute noch meist ungenutzt bleibt. Dieser Vortrag erörtert die Begriffe „Narrativ“ und „Geschichte“ auf theoretischer und praktischer Ebene und aus literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Insbesondere wird dabei das Spannungsfeld zwischen kultureller Repräsentation in Büchern und der materiellen Realität der Schülerinnen und Schüler besprochen.
Ref.: Roberta Maierhofer
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 2.3.2023
17:00 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP, LWS
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L102 - Narrative Didactics - Let's act! · Exploring narratives through performative conventions
This workshop illustrates how pupils can become actively engaged in exploring and understanding narratives and, by extension, lifeworld issues such as deforestation.
The course asks participants to experience themselves how to promote reading for students through a new approach termed the Literature-Enactment-Process (LEP) where students can critically access and comprehend stories and associated topics of inquiry through a range of phases, but most importantly through performative conventions.
Ref.: Christina Hochstrasser
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 16 €
Ort: 4020 Linz, PH der Diözese Linz, Seminarraum D800
Mo. 20.3.2023
9:00 h bis 16:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS
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L114 - NILE meets PHDL: 21st Century Skills revisited · Post-pandemic considerations on soft skills in ELT
At the turn of the century, scholars and practitioners started giving a lot of thought to the skills the new century would demand. On this basis, methodological approaches and contents were developed.
Twenty years later, the Covid-19 pandemic broke out and lockdown posed new challenges on educators. How has this scenario impacted on ELT classrooms? Have the so-called 21st century skills helped us face unprecedented circumstances? Have our priorities changed?
We will reflect on these questions and discuss ways in which we may bring these considerations into our classrooms.
Ref.: Claudia Mónica Ferradas
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 20.4.2023
16:30 h bis 18:30 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, BAfEP
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L108 - Narrative Didactics - Let's talk about Gender! · Dekonstruktion von Geschlechterstereotypen mit Literatur
Wie stark werden Geschlechterstereotypen im Unterricht reproduziert und wie oft passiert das eigentlich ohne unser Wissen und Absicht? Dieser Kurs befasst sich genau mit diesen Fragen und zeigt wie fiktionale Texte und Storytelling geeignete Methoden sind, um sich mit Geschlechterstereotypen auseinanderzusetzen und diese zu dekonstruieren.
Der Termin wurde vom 30. März 2023 auf 27. April 2023 verschoben!
Ref.: Nicole Haring
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, online
Do. 27.4.2023
15:00 h bis 18:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, LWS, MS, BAfEP
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L905 - ERASMUS+ CLIL Experience in Galway 2023 · Wie unterrichte ich mein Fach auf Englisch?
Ziel dieser CLIL-Fortbildung ist, dass die teilnehmenden Lehrkräfte aus AHS und BHS lernen, das eigene Fach auf Englisch zu unterrichten.
Die teilnehmenden Lehrkräfte können die erarbeiteten Unterrichtssequenzen unmittelbar nach Rückkehr in ihrem Unterricht verwenden und in den einzelnen Schul-Arges den Kolleg:innen weitergeben. Da vom NILE (Norwich Institute of Language Education) auch sehr viel digitales Unterrichtsmaterial verfügbar ist, ist dies eine sehr praktikable Methode.
Ref.: Maria Schrems-Gadermaier, Christine Mitterweissacher
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, Exkursion
Kooperationen: erasmus+, Bildungsdirektion OÖ
So. 27.8.2023, 9:00 h
bis Di. 5.9.2023, 17:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, MS
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L906 - ERASMUS+ New Horizons Galway 2023 · 21st Century Skills for teachers of English
We are honoured to work again together with our partner, NILE Norwich, and also with the Upper Austrian School Board.
As global citizens, we are training vital skills to cope with the changes in our global world and classrooms. Creativity, critical thinking, and IT skills will be applied to our jobs as AHS/BMHS teachers. Naturally, we are also learning about the Irish history, culture and country.
Ref.: Maria Schrems-Gadermaier, Christine Mitterweissacher
Ort: ohne Ortsangabe, Exkursion
Kooperationen: erasmus+, Bildungsdirektion OÖ
So. 27.8.2023, 9:00 h
bis Di. 5.9.2023, 17:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, MS
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L907 - Getting Back on Track · Motivating tricks and brush up techniques for the new school year
The main emphasis will be on our own speaking abilities. There will be sufficient input of ideas and speaking activities, which can also be done in the class at different levels. We will indulge in small talk on various topics, express personal opinion on current topics, exchange practical tasks used in today’s English classroom and enjoy outdoor and indoor activities to motivate pupils to talk. ”Learning by Doing” is our motto, and it will be shown how very little preparation is required: minimum input, maximum output!
Ref.: Philippa Rechberger
Verwaltungsbeitrag: 16 €
Ort: 4284 Tragwein, Bildungshaus Greisinghof
Do. 31.8.2023, 9:00 h
bis Fr. 1.9.2023, 13:00 h
Zielgruppe: AHS, BMHS, BS, MS, PTS, BAfEP
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